I'm Harrison,
Full Stack
Here are my skill sets
Next.js (React.js)
Laravel & Node.js
SQL & NoSQL (MongoDB)
AWS & nginx
Git & Jira
Python & Java (OOP)
Projects I've been working on
Promotional website for a startup
- Optimized the DB system by meticulously designing data model relationships, leading to a remarkable 50% reduction in access frequency.
- Effectively managed large volumes of user data within the admin page by incorporating features like search, sorting, and filtering, achieving a 70% reduction in loading time through lazy loading with pagination.
- Implemented a payment system using Stripe and integrated data sharing with a desktop application through APIs.
Image editing tool with the help of AI - Segment Anything
- Distributed tasks effectively to each team member and ran a 2 week-sprint using Agile as a project manager.
- Utilized Google CoLab to generate an ONNX model, enabling the image segmentation AI to analyze given images.
- Engaged with the open-source community to acquire backend code running SAM (Segment Anything), enabling the generation of image embedding files and facilitating focus on web development tasks.
An all-in-one office tool designed specifically for programmers.
- Configured AWS VPC and EC2 instances with Nginx, and managed DNS for web hosting with personal domain.
- Enhanced performance by 40% with Inertia.js, bolstering SSR for faster loading and improved user experiences.
- Utilized GitHub Issues to manage tasks, getting myself familarized with Agile as a project manager's perspective.
- Reached out to the author of a book I was inspired by to seek permission to incorporate their methodology into my project.
Claw machine
Experience an immersive and interactive virtual claw machine powered by the advanced 3D modeling library, three.js.
- Utilized osm2world to create 3D models from OSM data, significantly reducing development time.
- Implemented physics in the map with interactions with user input.
Thank you for visiting my website :)